No solamente es recomendable para deportistas (maratonianos expertos y principiantes), también es ideal para dolores menstruales, estomacales, problemas de rodilla o articulaciones, dolores de espalda o de cabeza....
Si os cuesta conciliar el sueño es sumamente efectivo combinar un suave masaje con este aceite y colocar el cojín apenas tibio cerca del pecho o del estómago, veréis que dormiréis como angelitos.
Since days are becoming longer and we just want to make more outdoor activities, enjoy the good weather and start jogging again, and if you're like me, you may suffer some pain and muscle cramps. That's why today I want to share with you my massage oil, which is just fantastic! And if you use it with a rice heating pad, I can promise you that there will be no more pain, and relaxation is assured.
It´s not only recommended for athletes (expert and amateur marathoners), but it´s also ideal for menstrual cramps, stomach, knee or joint problems, back pain or headaches....
It´s really effective to get to sleep, combining a gentle massage with this oil and placing the warm pad near your chest or stomach, you will sleep like angels.